By the Gates of the Garden of Eden on Amazon or at CreateSpace

Thursday, February 20, 2014

100 days to finish?

so i broke out the arithmetic side of my brain, dusted off some cobwebs and got to thinking...

there are:

8 days left in february
31 days in march
30 days in april
31 days in may
30 days in june
31 days in july

that would put me done typing on august first (which is my goal).

that's 161 days.

67,000 words typed as of today...

so that's 33,000 words left to goal.

if i write 204 words a day i can have it done by august first?

yes. good goal.

but will it be done at 100,000?

maybe not.

how about trying to get to 100,000 words on may the 31st?

that's 100 days.

330 words per day.

that's a better goal.

but if i SKIP A DAY, i have to write 660 the next day.

skip two days?

990 words.

so, no skipping.

and i will be at 100,000 on may the 31st.

good goal.

that gives me two months to noodle around with it until i feel that it's right.

the month of june to add, subtract, rewrite, add in foreshadowing, clues and harbingers...

the month of july to do it all over again and add in even more character depth, dialogue and "feel".

and at that point, who cares if i am over or short the 100,000 word limit?

not really me. it's just a goal that i have in mind, and the book is seemingly falling into this plan.

two rewrites should be enough to add, flesh-out, grow, expand and develop...

good plan.

melinda pesta might be proud of me.

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